Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

Full Version: You Know Youre a True Fan When...
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... You dreamed about jacking into the Matrix and fighting along side Neo to stop agents from stealing your chocolate! (Dreamed it last night)

-Ry Big Grin
... You spend a week restoring your original Matrix Movie poster, making sure to get every last fold out.
...you develop a reversed server from scratch for a matrix game you didnt even played, for people you dont even know and do it while watching the matrix original 1999 DVD or hear it in the background as inspiration, for the lulz!

.. haha just kidding.
...you've seen the original movie well over 100 times, with Reloaded and Revolutions approaching 100 views each.

...you anticipated MxO from its annoucement, participated in its beta from day one, jacked in to the official release on day one, and even though life became too complicated to play the game, could not bring yourself to cancel your subscription, just in case you had a few minutes to jack-in.
Hmm, I say Morpheus wins this round!

But Rylie, that is hilarious!
As far Matrix fanatics go, i think i am near the top xD

-You truly believe every single word from each trilogy and practice it daily.

-You get banned from your church because you volunteer to teach preschoolers about Jesus, and instead tell them about the matrix.

-You get suspended from highschool because you hallucinate and think the agents are after you, next thing you know your jumping on your desk screaming at the top of your lungs.

-You refer to Matrix material as "scripture"

-You attempted suicide and spent 2 months in a mental hospital because the matrix online shut down. (really, you devs have no idea how happy i am the mxoemu is coming)

I got countless little episodes through out my life where i just went plain nuts and made a fool out of myself, everyone thought i was crazy, but i know, and yall know that we are all in the matrix. needless to say i have led an interesting life, but i am hopeful that i am nearing the end of these episodes and will learn to live in the matrix until my crew finds me.
(01-09-2010, 11:13 AM)Riseke Wrote: [ -> ]As far Matrix fanatics go, i think i am near the top xD

-You truly believe every single word from each trilogy and practice it daily.

-You get banned from your church because you volunteer to teach preschoolers about Jesus, and instead tell them about the matrix.

-You get suspended from highschool because you hallucinate and think the agents are after you, next thing you know your jumping on your desk screaming at the top of your lungs.

-You refer to Matrix material as "scripture"

-You attempted suicide and spent 2 months in a mental hospital because the matrix online shut down. (really, you devs have no idea how happy i am the mxoemu is coming)

I got countless little episodes through out my life where i just went plain nuts and made a fool out of myself, everyone thought i was crazy, but i know, and yall know that we are all in the matrix. needless to say i have led an interesting life, but i am hopeful that i am nearing the end of these episodes and will learn to live in the matrix until my crew finds me.

[Image: tmi.jpg?t=1263005216]


Someone has seen Animatrix one too many times. But yes we are all fans here, some more than others of course.. Smile
I have... business to attend to... elsewhere... Agent stuff...

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