Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

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Another commercial that reminds me of The Matrix is, strangely, an International House of Pancakes commercial. They have this deal where you can eat as many pancakes as you want for one price, and it's called the "Endless Pancakes" deal. The commercial for it shows a guy who has already eaten a big chunk of the pancakes in front of him when suddenly the giant slice cut out of them regenerates itself. His coffee cup also refills itself.

Every time I see this I think "He is the One!" ^^;;;;
RE: You Know Youre a True Fan When...

. . . the game is gone yet you still dream of running down the streets in Downtown and looking up at a Sati sky.

Yeah, we miss it.
(01-27-2010, 07:58 PM)Twaggy Wrote: [ -> ]When I log out of games now I say something similar, but I say "I'm jacking".... I got banned from a "guild" for that till I explained what it mean't....

That's a good one!

I got an extensive eye exam yesterday. All I could think when he was moving my eyes around with the blunt metal object was that I'm going to need someone to remove the bug this agent is planting in my eye...

Then I felt like a redpill wearing sunglasses on a gloomy day.
when you come on here, and say.....

When you got a folder called "MxoEmu Files" filled with dev files....
And bring a backup of it with you on several ext disks...
I still try to use /fc in other MMOs that I play Sad along with some other MxO chat commands!
*waves to Fickey*

When your driving around downtown LA and a building reminds you of Downtown in the game and you wish you were home playing MXO.

Or when your with other MXO players and you talk MXO lingo Smile
Words cannot express the sickening envy I feel for Neopill after skimming his massive, image-heavy post back on Page 3. The MxO map that I've been unable to find in my own belongings, tacked to your wall? A promo photo autographed by Reeves, Fishburne and Moss? WANT.

(01-17-2010, 11:12 AM)Agent Pace Wrote: [ -> ]Playing "Richland - Day" on your ipod when walking on the streets!

Did that a few times in the past!
I have it on the MP3 that I used to bring to work! Can I play too? Big Grin

That song brings back memories. GrillD was the first MxO tune that I ever heard the moment I jacked in (well, not counting the Character Creation theme, which brings back yet another set of memories..."Okay, let's see...Detached Spectator looks like it might be good...hey! It's the green-haired chick that I'm rolling up! Hi, Emerald! No no, get out from behind the burning trash barrel. It's filthy! Hey, are those the people pods from the movie...?"). So GrillD.mp3 (and, yes, Character.mp3) have really stuck with me over the years. Misty, water-colored memories...la da dee, da dum.... Sad
...iWhen iYou iFeel iLike iA iBig iGaping iHole iIs iIn iYour iChest... iAnd iYou iKnow iThat iHole iIs iWhere iMxO iWas... iLol
you know you're a true fan when...

...you have spent many hours in vein writing emails to SOE in a failed attempt to convince them to bring back mxo.

...you have created a petition to bring back mxo http://www.PetitionOnline.com/savemxo/petition.html
even when you know that probably won't work either. Its still there, you're welcome to sign even if it is more of a symbolic gesture at this point.

...you try different mmos only to be quickly diapointed and quit them because they are nothing like mxo. You have that nagging "It just aint the same" thought in the back of your mind when you play anything else now. MXO is the mmo that you judge all other mmos by.

...you've been kicked out of a World of Borecraft guild for talking about MXO too much. Yes, I played WoW. I only did it because RL friends talked me into it after MXO went offline. I still don't see what is so great about that game... nevermind. getting off-topic with that train of thought.

...you have had daydreams where you have envisioned yourself shooting your way through sony coorprate security in the soe hq lobby to "rescue" the MXO server files and dev tools from soe like Neo and Trinity did to save Morpheus from the agents. "I need guns... lots of guns!" . C'mon, I cant be alone with this one... I KNOW you've had similar thoughts... admit it!

However, in all seriousness, I know I'm not as much of a fan as all of you who have played the game for years and/or have dedicated their time and effort to trying to emulate MXO with only what little there is that remains of it. In my short time in MXO my entire view of how a mmo should be was changed forever. It amazed me to see the same people who were slaughtering one another in a brutal pvp hanging out at a club with each other an hour later having fun like nothing ever happened... You don't see that in other mmos. I never made it to level 50 but with the help of some 50's I was well on my way before the world ended. My biggest regret is not trying MXO sooner than I did. I should have trusted my own feeling on it instead of listening to my friends who said MXO isnt that good worth my time and money. Even when I first jacked in while MXO was already dying by soe's hand, it was still worth my money and time. If I had it to do over I'd still take the red pill.

Being I'm not a programmer or some uber hacker, there isn't alot I can do to help with this project. If I do ever come up with anything useful, though highly doubtful that I will, I'll be sure to let you know. Until your server is up and running, I'll sit back, wait patiently and check in from time to time to see what progress is being made. Eventually I'll see you all in game.
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