Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

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(01-16-2010, 12:49 PM)rajkosto Wrote: [ -> ]dont quote this guys entire image post you idiots, you just made this page 3x longer than it should be

My mistake, will edit.
(01-16-2010, 01:06 PM)Fickey Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-11-2010, 05:53 AM)Neopill Wrote: [ -> ]Also, I was the only MxO operative to post a bag of weed on MxO forums and not have it taken off lol. Look on the table.

You son of a bitch! Big Grin I can't believe I missed that... Jurymen fail Sad haha

Nice collection! All I have is just my MxO shirt and a few posters...

Omg, that made me laugh.
Whenever I go downtown, I ask anyone in the car with me if they have hit all the access nodes.

And whenever I happen to find a public phone (which is rare these days), I say "Hey, I found a hardline. I'll have to remember this place if I need to escape anything".
Every news of MXOEMU fills you with joy and makes you squeal. Big Grin
Playing "Richland - Day" on your ipod when walking on the streets!

Did that a few times in the past!
I just brought a new MP3 player yesterday, I really should download those tunes into my MP3 player.
when you make it your mission to go to every mmo comp to try to bring back MXO
You still check out DN1.
You have sourced the MxO soundtrack and actually put it on your mp3 player.

I have the comic they sent out in beta (think it was beta, anyway) but man, I don't have the loot out the wahzoo like some people do. Color me impressed.
I still have DN1 bookmarked. *chuckles*
I have a Hypercube monument T-shirt. Too bad it's a medium or a large... looking into getting it tailored to XS :O
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