Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

Full Version: You Know Youre a True Fan When...
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Lets try to get this thread back on track. Blush

You know you're a true fan when... Your girlfriend breaks up with you after finding out you've chosen to watch the Matrix trilogy over having sex with her. (sex is overrated after a million times)

-Ry Tongue
I love the MATRIX this much!!!

[Image: new045.jpg]

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Also, I was the only MxO operative to post a bag of weed on MxO forums and not have it taken off lol. Look on the table.

[Image: Lydias008.jpg]

Some of these pics are old, I have sinced moved and redesigned my new office/command center. Its even more Matrixy. pICS soon.
....get into deliberate fights with wifey so you can get blazed and watch the Animatrix on the couch all night.
....read all of the comics online before they became a graphic novel
....you refer to all who are not matrix enthusiast as "blue pills"
....you wake up everyday at ungodly hours to see if theres an update
....you know what matrixism is..and you agree with it
....you wear shades in your house,when you take a shower and even when its dark outside
....your favorite song is "Clubbed to death" or "Spybreak"
@ NeoPill
neopil you looks like a good playboy Big Grin
...You know nothing is real and you can do anything...nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it

lol at Agent Pace
Haha. Neopill. I remember when you posted that bag of weed. I didn't even see it until someone else pointed it out. LOL. I laughed... a lot.

Good times...


dont quote this guys entire image post you idiots, you just made this page 3x longer than it should be
(01-11-2010, 05:53 AM)Neopill Wrote: [ -> ]Also, I was the only MxO operative to post a bag of weed on MxO forums and not have it taken off lol. Look on the table.

You son of a bitch! Big Grin I can't believe I missed that... Jurymen fail Sad haha

Nice collection! All I have is just my MxO shirt and a few posters...
I must say NeoPill, that is one awesome collection of matrix things.
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