Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

Full Version: You Know Youre a True Fan When...
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You know you're a true fan when you and a couple of friends dress up in all black, wearing sunglasses and trench coats and create a choreographed fight scene during lunch time in the middle of your high school.

(Yes, I did this when I was about 16 playing MxO lol)

-Ry Confused
(01-19-2010, 04:29 AM)Metalogic Wrote: [ -> ]You know you're a Matrix fan when you still write RP and Fanfic about the Matrix Universe 11 years after the first movie has been released and 7 years since the sequels has been released.
(01-11-2010, 05:53 AM)Neopill Wrote: [ -> ]I love the MATRIX this much!!!


Some of these pics are old, I have sinced moved and redesigned my new office/command center. Its even more Matrixy. pICS soon.

Sir, you are my hero. I am willing to fly you out to North Carolina so you can redecorate my office in this fashion! When I walk into my office, I want to feel like I'm in the Matrix Universe!

Hehehe, deal. Not too far away really. But first you must get STUFF. A few times I have almost torn it all down out of spite and anger, but, honestly, when friends come over or family, no matter how sci-fi nerdy it seems, they are all very impressed.

Poor souls, can't count how many times i've made homies "watch" me play MxO. "Ah, check this out, tis Bullet Time, oh and heres this, that." Next thing you know, an hour or so has gone by, we are all really stoned, and they leave saying, "MF you really like the fkn matrix dont you."

(01-20-2010, 07:49 AM)Rylie Wrote: [ -> ]You know you're a true fan when you and a couple of friends dress up in all black, wearing sunglasses and trench coats and create a choreographed fight scene during lunch time in the middle of your high school.

(Yes, I did this when I was about 16 playing MxO lol)

-Ry Confused

That's something I would have done in HS.

I used to hyper dodge (back arch) while playing dodgeball. does that count?
You know you're a true fan if you get your english teacher to watch The Matrix, then convince her to get your class to do an essay on it.... I did that... got an A+ :p
You know you're a true fan when you lay out some, not all, of your matrix collection and it covers the garage floor.

[Image: IMG_0614.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0619.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0620.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0613.jpg]

[Image: IMG_0614.jpg]
Cool garage
Haha, apart from the matrix stuff and the old MGB sports car it ain't nothing but a dumping ground.
Wow, now that's a Matrix fan. Smile
is niobe on that collection of figures?
i dont see her xD.

i recently saw that object on a "special" shop. RL, not on the net Wink
Yeah got her somewhere. And the large Niobe figure.
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