Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

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(01-17-2010, 11:12 AM)Agent Pace Wrote: [ -> ]Playing "Richland - Day" on your ipod when walking on the streets!

Did that a few times in the past!

Hehe, I liked that one.
Using MXO resrouces with emulator for an RP non related to the matrix, but keep it alive some way or another by using maps, visuals, and storyline story movie. ^^
You know you're a Matrix fan when you still write RP and Fanfic about the Matrix Universe 11 years after the first movie has been released and 7 years since the sequels has been released.
(01-11-2010, 05:53 AM)Neopill Wrote: [ -> ]I love the MATRIX this much!!!


Some of these pics are old, I have sinced moved and redesigned my new office/command center. Its even more Matrixy. pICS soon.

Sir, you are my hero. I am willing to fly you out to North Carolina so you can redecorate my office in this fashion! When I walk into my office, I want to feel like I'm in the Matrix Universe!
- when you build a new custom gaming machine and the only things installed are;


(my old gaming PC, seriously...only had those 3 things lol)
Heh, when I brought my gaming machine, the first game I installed was MxO, I even got the latest and greatest graphic card (at the time) so that I can see MxO in all of it's glorious detail.
I did same with the GPU, problem was I bought the Geforce 8800 (I think it was that cant remember now) and it hated being indoors on MxO...the frame rate was like a 1 fps lol
Hmm that's strange. I have a GeForce 8800 GT and that was the Video Card I installed and I never had any problems indoors. I still don't on the stand alone client.
Yeah it was something to do with the 8 series, I'm sure it was. Many people had the problem, just wish I could remember which version it was.
(01-19-2010, 10:25 PM)Twaggy Wrote: [ -> ]Yeah it was something to do with the 8 series, I'm sure it was. Many people had the problem, just wish I could remember which version it was.

Here is a post I made on DN1 about the GeForce 8800 GT

You know you're a true fan when someone refers to you by a proper name, i.e. 'Mr. YourName', and instead you hear, Mr. Anderson and you get ready to run. lol. True Story.
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