- Chat -
/t [name] Tells a private message [aka whisper] to [name]
/tell [name] Tells a private message [aka whisper] to [name]
/tc Sends a message to Team Chat
/team Sends a message to Team Chat
/fc Sends a message to Faction Chat
/faction Sends a message to Faction Chat
/say Sends a message to Area Chat
/shout Shouts a message heard by people in a larger radius than area chat
/e [action] Places a message in system chat to denote an action other than a normal emote
/ca [name] Adds player [name] to the Contact List
/cr [name] Removes player [name] from the Contact List
/i [name] Ignores messages from [name]
/safechat Toggles the profanity filter
/logstart Starts the chat log (available in the Profiles folder)
/logstop Stops the chat log (new logs are appended to the original log file and do not replace it)
/afk Toggles your character's away-from-keyboard flag and auto-replies to tells
/afk [message] Toggles your AFK flag and replies to all tells with [message]
- Team Settings -
/lootrandom Random team member receives the loot
/lootbylooter Whoever loots a kill receives the loot
/lootbykill Whoever killed the enemy receives the loot
/lootalpha Looting is cycled through the team in alphabetical order
/disband Disbands the team
- Utilities -
/commands Displays a list of all commands
/ccr Opens the bug report menu
/bug Opens the bug report menu
/who Displays the names, levels, and disciplines of up to fifty redpills in the immediate area
/who [text] Displays player info for up to 50 nearby redpills with [text] in their handle, faction, or discipline
/who [number] Displays the names, levels, and types of redpills at level [number]
/loc Displays your current coordinates
/whereami Displays detailed information about your location for bug reports
/version Displays the current version of the game
/random Generates a random number between 1 and 100
/random [number] Generates a random number between 1 and [number]
/jackout Exits the game
/exit Exits the game
/quit Exits the game
/suicide Returns player to the Loading Area with all the consequences of death
/release Sends player back to the Loading Area after death
/stuck Moves player to another location if stuck
/time Displays the current date and time
/reputation Displays all three current organizational reputation scores
/play Displays the total amount of time the player has spent in the game
/cq Displays your total number of PvP kills
/details Displays your character's profile
/getbackground Displays your character's background story
/setbackground Opens a window for altering your character's background story
/bits Displays the amount of all 8 code bits available in code storage
/frags Displays the amount of all code bits and fragments available in code storage
/addblip [name] Marks the player's current location on the map with a marker named [name]
/removeblip [name] Removes the blip called [name] from the map
/clearblips Removes all blips from the map (untested)
/printsimulacra Displays the current status of the player's simulacra
/netstats Displays data such as ping, packets, loss-rate, and fps
/netstats 0 Removes the netstats display
/netstats off Removes the netstats display
/addwaypoint [name] Adds a waypoint to the location of another player [name]
/removewaypoint [name] Removes a waypoint from [name]
/clearwaypoints Removes all waypoints (untested)
/orgnames Displays the organizational affiliations of other players by their handles
/hardline Creates a waypoint at the closest synchronized hardline
/effects none Turns off all visual and audio effects
/effects all Turns on all visual and audio effects
/range Displays the distance in meters to the selected target
/cancel Stops all currently running macro commands
/savelo [name] Saves the current ability loadout under [name]
/loadlo [name] Loads the [name] ability loadout
- Interaction -
/invite Invites the currently selected target onto the player's team
/invite [name] Invites [name] onto the player's team
/follow Causes the player to automatically follow the currently selected target
/face Causes the player to face the currently selected target
/duel Challenges the targeted player to a duel
/pvp Activates organizational PvP for five minutes
/report Reports the selected player for GPC abuse
- Radio -
/radio play [filename/URL] Plays [filename/URL]
/radio fave [filename/URL] Adds [filename/URL] to the Favorites list [accessible through the options button]
/radio next Skips to the next track in the playlist
/radio prev Returns to the previous track in the playlist
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