We will explain on an easy example how this works.
In our Example we use a NPC Packet from the Logs and explain its Data.
02 03 01 00 0c 57 02 38 cd ab 13 ae 43 6f 72 72 75 70 74 65 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 00 00 22 00 00 10 00 d0 30 23 00 c6 01 a0 01 c1 15 00 00 4e 00 00 00 31 61 b7 f0 c0 00 00 00 00 00 c0 57 40 00 00 00 60 07 cd d2 40 d0 0c 01 82 02 a8 45 66 0a b2 09 66 0a 06 08 00 00 81 3d b9 00 00 02 11 08 00 00 00 00 . . . . . W . 8 . . . . C o r r u p t e d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . " . . . . . 0 # . . . . . . . . . N . . . 1 a . . . . . . . . . W @ . . . ` . . . @ . . . . . . E f . . . f . . . . . . = . . . . . . . . . .
So thats how the Packet is in the Logs.
As we know we have GoID 599 (57 02). So we take our Attribute List for Object Creation.
The Attribute Lists for all Objects was parsed by Morpheus and Rajko so Credits goes to mxoemu and HD in this Case.
The Raw Attribute List look like this :
#VALUES FOR GOID: 599, NPC_BASE #USING 3827, Binary-Present(1): offset 254 104,EvadeShieldHealth,uint8,1 12,CharacterName,GOString32,32 1768,TitleAbility,AbilityID,4 49,CombatantMode,uint8,1 255,JumpFlags,int16,2 50,ConditionStateFlags,AbilityConditionFlags,4 261,Jumping,bool,1 91,EffectCounter,uint8,1 1773,UseRSIDescription,bool,1 1782,Yaw Interval,int8,1 263,MasterCharacterID,uint32,4 292,MoreInfoID,LTSTRINGID,4 1660,StealthLevel,uint8,1 1661,StopFollowActiveTracker,bool,1 219,IsDead,bool,1 80,DissemblingType,uint16,2 251,JumpEndTime,uint32,4 194,HalfExtents,LTVector3f,12 1778,WanderRange,int32,4 1569,ScriptCounter,uint8,1 100,EvadeShieldDamageScale,float,4 74,Description,REZ_ID,4 92,EffectID,uint32,4 157,FactionID,LTFactionID,4 82,DontAttack,bool,1 335,NoiseLevel,uint8,1 122,ExclusiveLocator,LTGenericLoc,18 393,Position,LTVector3d,24 417,ProneState,uint32,4 7,CancelAbility,AbilityID,4 1772,UseCount,uint8,1 269,MissionKey,MissionKey,4 1582,Stance,Movement::Stance,1 369,OrganizationID,Organization::MissionOrg,1 221,IsEnemy,bool,1 0,Action,Movement::Action,1 324,NPCRank,uint8,1 223,IsFriendly,bool,1 73,Demeanor,uint8,1 320,MovementScale,float,4 11,CancelAbilityCounter,uint8,1 257,JumpPeakHeight,float,4 161,FollowActiveTracker,bool,1 193,GuardType,uint8,1 140,ExclusiveType,uint8,1 262,Level,uint8,1 183,GiverActiveTracker,bool,1 206,Health,uint16,2 87,EffectCommand,uint32,4 227,JumpDestination,LTVector3d,24 70,DebuffState,uint8,1 1675,TakerActiveTracker,bool,1 435,RSIDescription,RSI::RSIPackedBytesWrapper,15 267,MaxHealth,uint16,2 58,CurrentState,EventID,4 222,IsEscortable,bool,1 96,EquippedItemID,uint32,4 1574,SpawnFX,EffectID,4 83,DuelID,uint32,4 1698,TalkDefaultable,bool,1 389,OwnerCharacterID,uint32,4 421,PutActiveTracker,bool,1 463,RelevancyFlags,uint8,1 1693,TalkActiveTracker,bool,1 1659,StealthAwareness,uint8,1 62,CurrentStateContainer,EventID,4
But before we can parse we need to split it into Groups . Each Groups can contain max. 7 Attributes. We just goes top down and split them in Groups.
So after that our List look similiar like this :
Attribute List Group 1 Attrib 1: 104,EvadeShieldHealth,uint8,1 Attrib 2: 12,CharacterName,GOString32,32 Attrib 3: 1768,TitleAbility,AbilityID,4 Attrib 4: 49,CombatantMode,uint8,1 Attrib 5: 255,JumpFlags,int16,2 Attrib 6: 50,ConditionStateFlags,AbilityConditionFlags,4 Attrib 7: 261,Jumping,bool,1 Group 2 Attrib 1: 91,EffectCounter,uint8,1 Attrib 2: 1773,UseRSIDescription,bool,1 Attrib 3: 1782,Yaw Interval,int8,1 Attrib 4: 263,MasterCharacterID,uint32,4 Attrib 5: 292,MoreInfoID,LTSTRINGID,4 Attrib 6: 1660,StealthLevel,uint8,1 Attrib 7: 1661,StopFollowActiveTracker,bool,1 Group 3 Attrib 1: 219,IsDead,bool,1 Attrib 2: 80,DissemblingType,uint16,2 Attrib 3: 251,JumpEndTime,uint32,4 Attrib 4: 194,HalfExtents,LTVector3f,12 Attrib 5: 1778,WanderRange,int32,4 Attrib 6: 1569,ScriptCounter,uint8,1 Attrib 7: 100,EvadeShieldDamageScale,float,4 Group 4 Attrib 1: 74,Description,REZ_ID,4 Attrib 2: 92,EffectID,uint32,4 Attrib 3: 157,FactionID,LTFactionID,4 Attrib 4: 82,DontAttack,bool,1 Attrib 5: 335,NoiseLevel,uint8,1 Attrib 6: 122,ExclusiveLocator,LTGenericLoc,18 Attrib 7: 393,Position,LTVector3d,24 Group 5 Attrib 1: 417,ProneState,uint32,4 Attrib 2: 7,CancelAbility,AbilityID,4 Attrib 3: 1772,UseCount,uint8,1 Attrib 4: 269,MissionKey,MissionKey,4 Attrib 5: 1582,Stance,Movement::Stance,1 Attrib 6: 369,OrganizationID,Organization::MissionOrg,1 Attrib 7: 221,IsEnemy,bool,1 Group 6 Attrib 1: 0,Action,Movement::Action,1 Attrib 2: 324,NPCRank,uint8,1 Attrib 3: 223,IsFriendly,bool,1 Attrib 4: 73,Demeanor,uint8,1 Attrib 5: 320,MovementScale,float,4 Attrib 6: 11,CancelAbilityCounter,uint8,1 Attrib 7: 257,JumpPeakHeight,float,4 Group 7 Attrib 1: 161,FollowActiveTracker,bool,1 Attrib 2: 193,GuardType,uint8,1 Attrib 3: 140,ExclusiveType,uint8,1 Attrib 4: 262,Level,uint8,1 Attrib 5: 183,GiverActiveTracker,bool,1 Attrib 6: 206,Health,uint16,2 Attrib 7: 87,EffectCommand,uint32,4 Group 8 Attrib 1: 227,JumpDestination,LTVector3d,24 Attrib 2: 70,DebuffState,uint8,1 Attrib 3: 1675,TakerActiveTracker,bool,1 Attrib 4: 435,RSIDescription,RSI::RSIPackedBytesWrapper,15 Attrib 5: 267,MaxHealth,uint16,2 Attrib 6: 58,CurrentState,EventID,4 Attrib 7: 222,IsEscortable,bool,1 Group 9 Attrib 1: 96,EquippedItemID,uint32,4 Attrib 2: 1574,SpawnFX,EffectID,4 Attrib 3: 83,DuelID,uint32,4 Attrib 4: 1698,TalkDefaultable,bool,1 Attrib 5: 389,OwnerCharacterID,uint32,4 Attrib 6: 421,PutActiveTracker,bool,1 Attrib 7: 463,RelevancyFlags,uint8,1 Group 10 Attrib 1: 1693,TalkActiveTracker,bool,1 Attrib 2: 1659,StealthAwareness,uint8,1 Attrib 3: 62,CurrentStateContainer,EventID,4
I will just copy and paste it here.
02 (ack) 03 (Protocol) 01 00 (Admin View Manager) 0c <- Flags (1100) . Format is ndcc (cc is the operation - cc can be 0= Create, 1=delete, 2=PendingCreateUpdate, 3= RelevanceNotices (S2S only) . d = isFullyDynamicFlag) 57 02(goId) 38 <- spawn counter (dont resend it until it was acked) cd ab <- seperator for Protocol and Object Serializer 13 <- Num Attributes (19 ) ae <- 10101110 ( Group1 with 4 Attribs - Attributes 2,3,4,6 ON, MORE GROUPS ON) (AttributeList: 12,CharacterName,GOString32,32; 1768,TitleAbility,AbilityID,4; 49,CombatantMode,uint8,1;50,ConditionStateFlags,AbilityConditionFlags,4) 43 6f 72 72 75 70 74 65 64 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 <- 12,CharacterName,GOString32,32 00 10 00 00 <- 1768,TitleAbility,AbilityID,4 22 <- 49,CombatantMode,uint8,1 00 00 10 00 <- 50,ConditionStateFlags,AbilityConditionFlags,4 d0 <- 11010000 ( Group 2 with 2 Attribs - Attributes 5,7 ON, MORE GROUPS ON) (AttributeList:292,MoreInfoID,LTSTRINGID,4; 1661,StopFollowActiveTracker,bool,1) 30 23 00 c6 <- 292,MoreInfoID,LTSTRINGID,4 01 <- 1661,StopFollowActiveTracker,bool,1 a0 <- 10100000 ( Group 3 with 1 Attribs - Attributes 6 ON, MORE GROUPS ON) (AttributeList:1569,ScriptCounter,uint8,1) 01 <- 1569,ScriptCounter,uint8,1 c1 <- 11000001 ( Group 4 with 2 Attribs - Attributes 1,7 ON, MORE GROUPS ON) (AttributeList:74,Description,REZ_ID,4; 393,Position,LTVector3d,24) 15 00 00 4e <- 74,Description,REZ_ID,4 00 00 00 31 61 b7 f0 c0 00 00 00 00 00 c0 57 40 00 00 00 60 07 cd d2 40 <- 393,Position,LTVector3d,24 d0 <- 11010000 ( Group 5 with 2 Attribs - Attributes 5,7 ON, MORE GROUPS ON) (AttributeList:1582,Stance,Movement::Stance,1; 221,IsEnemy,bool,1) 0c <- 1582,Stance,Movement::Stance,1 01 <- 221,IsEnemy,bool,1 82 <- 10000010 ( Group 6 with 1 Attribs - Attributes 2 ON, MORE GROUPS ON) (AttributeList:324,NPCRank,uint8,1) 02 <- 324,NPCRank,uint8,1 a8 <- 10101000 ( Group 7 with 2 Attribs - Attributes 4,6 ON, MORE GROUPS ON) (AttributeList: 262,Level,uint8,1; 206,Health,uint16,2) 45 <- 262,Level,uint8,1 66 0a <- 206,Health,uint16,2 b2 <- 10110010 ( Group 8 with 3 Attribs - Attributes 2,5,6 ON, MORE GROUPS ON) (AttributeList: 70,DebuffState,uint8,1; 267,MaxHealth,uint16,2; 58,CurrentState,EventID,4) 09 <- 70,DebuffState,uint8,1 66 0a <- 267,MaxHealth,uint16,2 06 08 00 00 <- 58,CurrentState,EventID,4 81 <- 10000001 (Group 9 with 1 Attribs - Attributes 1 ON, MORE GROUPS ON ) (AttributeList: Attrib 1: 96,EquippedItemID,uint32,4 ) 3d b9 00 00 <- 96,EquippedItemID,uint32,4 02 <- 0010 ( Group 10 with 1 Attrib - Attributes 2 ON, MORE GROUPS OFF) (AttributeList: 1659,StealthAwareness,uint8,1) 11 <- 1659,StealthAwareness,uint8,1 08 00 <- new View Id (8) 00 00 <- no more views (View Id 0) 00 <- end (0)
So whats happened here ?
Lets take a look where Num Attributes Starts.
We have 19 Attributes that needs to parse according to the Attribute List.
Each Group starts with a Byte which has the Bits set for which Attributes should been parsed from this list and if we moove forward to the next Group (More Groups ON flag).
How do we do this ?
In our first group 0xae = 10101110 as bit vector.
10101110 <- you need to read this from right to left. So right is 1 until 7 . The 8th bit is the "Group ON" Flag. If it is set, it means there are more groups to parse.
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