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Possible Story Ideas
02-26-2010, 04:55 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-26-2010, 04:57 AM by Barloke.)
RE: Possible Story Ideas
Well to be honest I think if there were a few ground rules in place the number of writers 3 or 5 wouldn't be too hard to manage. One of the things I definately would like to have on place is a non-favoritism thing going on. By that I mean I wouldn't think it anyway ethical if i kept pumping out pro-Merv story ideas just because the character I play is a Merv. In a bull session the writers/event planners should be just concerned about getting the best possible story/event out there. I know some of the opinions about this would be "well we're all adults here so we wouldn't write stories bending totally in favor to one organization or another." That sounds nice but it still happens. I've seen stuff like that happen before and its not really anyones fault, just the nature of the beast i guess.

I am absolutely in favor of these meetings of the writers be in voice chat for reasons already posted. Takes out alot of misunderstanding and ideas do come out quicker. Just everybody have pen and pads ready because i suspect there would be alot of note taking.

Serious decision making (and by that I mean stories that would involve the death or retirement of a main character or some other severe plot twist) should be handled with a vote but the results have to be 100% backed by the group. Meaning if you voted not in favor of Morpheus being dead for example, you don't act like a baby, pout and cross your arms saying you're not going to contrbute to the story. Once a decision is made you have to get behind it and make it work.

I also think we should have a "suggestion box" of sorts. It may look impossible but 3-5 people CAN get stumped on a story idea so it would be convenient to see what some other folks have in the way of ideas. Just please make sure you give the folks whose ideas your going to use their props.

Finally we also have to take into consideration the game mechanics as well. If we wanted a conflict for example between the Cyphs and the Mechs it would be nice if they could be pvp flagged to each other (hope hope! Big Grin ). But that might not be the case. The thing is we have to see what is possible for the game and what isn't before we start planning a story/event.
[Image: Barloke3copy.jpg]
02-26-2010, 05:15 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
(02-26-2010, 04:55 AM)Barloke Wrote: Well to be honest I think if there were a few ground rules in place the number of writers 3 or 5 wouldn't be too hard to manage. One of the things I definately would like to have on place is a non-favoritism thing going on. By that I mean I wouldn't think it anyway ethical if i kept pumping out pro-Merv story ideas just because the character I play is a Merv. In a bull session the writers/event planners should be just concerned about getting the best possible story/event out there. I know some of the opinions about this would be "well we're all adults here so we wouldn't write stories bending totally in favor to one organization or another." That sounds nice but it still happens. I've seen stuff like that happen before and its not really anyones fault, just the nature of the beast i guess.

I am absolutely in favor of these meetings of the writers be in voice chat for reasons already posted. Takes out alot of misunderstanding and ideas do come out quicker. Just everybody have pen and pads ready because i suspect there would be alot of note taking.

Serious decision making (and by that I mean stories that would involve the death or retirement of a main character or some other severe plot twist) should be handled with a vote but the results have to be 100% backed by the group. Meaning if you voted not in favor of Morpheus being dead for example, you don't act like a baby, pout and cross your arms saying you're not going to contrbute to the story. Once a decision is made you have to get behind it and make it work.

I also think we should have a "suggestion box" of sorts. It may look impossible but 3-5 people CAN get stumped on a story idea so it would be convenient to see what some other folks have in the way of ideas. Just please make sure you give the folks whose ideas your going to use their props.

Finally we also have to take into consideration the game mechanics as well. If we wanted a conflict for example between the Cyphs and the Mechs it would be nice if they could be pvp flagged to each other (hope hope! Big Grin ). But that might not be the case. The thing is we have to see what is possible for the game and what isn't before we start planning a story/event.

I agree with all of this. I do think that any writing team formed will need some ground rules, and that they will have to work as a group. While I do think that keeping things balanced kept the storyline stifled in the past, it would be unfair for one side to keep winning and winning.

If we decide to do a voice chat, then I better buy a better microphone. *laughs*
02-26-2010, 09:06 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
You know now that we are throwing some storyline ideas out there I was thinking another cool thing would could have is an inter-org type mission where lets say the Zion operatives would have to deal with the Merv and work out a deal. I think it would be cool to have them go to Hell Club and see The Merovingian and possibly do a mission for him for information or whatever. Same thing with a Merv operative having to make a deal with the Mechs and so on and so on. I think in that way it would feel more immersive that as operatives our world expands beyond the bounderies of our respective orgs.

I know this part is pre-mature but I would hope that in future events we could start introducing new main characters. It's all cool we are dealing with the characters we have now and i know some people would have an issue with what's canon and what's not but lets face it, any event or story already is non-canon to the world outside so as far as I'm concerned the door is pretty much open to new situations.
[Image: Barloke3copy.jpg]
02-26-2010, 09:33 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
You know, The Matrix has these religious undertones, Christianity and Buddhism, and it even has a touch of Paganism. We could create storylines (either main ones or side storylines) that plays out religious stories in MxO. I've read The Poetic Edda, and Prose Edda, and there are some stories in there that might do well in the Matrix Universe.
02-26-2010, 12:37 PM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
(02-26-2010, 09:33 AM)Metalogic Wrote: You know, The Matrix has these religious undertones, Christianity and Buddhism, and it even has a touch of Paganism. We could create storylines (either main ones or side storylines) that plays out religious stories in MxO. I've read The Poetic Edda, and Prose Edda, and there are some stories in there that might do well in the Matrix Universe.

Exactly, the undertones should be there as it was shown in the movies. You know this could also tie in to what I mentioned earlier about new characters. Reminds me of a photoshopped picture i saw of Seraph and his "father" bowing to each other in some white marbled building (I think it was the Gov't building). That and the pandora box mission where all those angels came out to kick everyones ass made me thing that it would have been cool if they made some construct that reflected some heavenly, Nirvanna type theme...something like the place of origen for Seraph. I always believed (and still do) that the door on Ascension Monument in Rogers Way had some purpose the devs had in mind for future use. If Morpheus ( the guy working on the game, not the character) can figure out the gaming code (I think thats how its coined) I'd love to see that place implemented for use...who knows we may end up seeing new places yet in the Matrix...I can only dream...
[Image: Barloke3copy.jpg]
02-26-2010, 04:31 PM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
(02-26-2010, 12:37 PM)Barloke Wrote: [...]That and the pandora box mission where all those angels came out to kick everyones ass made me thing that it would have been cool if they made some construct that reflected some heavenly, Nirvanna type theme...something like the place of origen for Seraph. [...]

I always thought those were the Agents in the very first Matrix, the one conceived by the Architect to be the perfect world. And that Seraph was one of them, before he lost (traded?) his wings for secure passage to the next versions with the Merovingian. Maybe I heard wrong?

You guys are an incredible pool of great ideas, by the way! Really fun to read =)
[Image: Dee.jpg]

02-26-2010, 11:14 PM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
(02-26-2010, 04:31 PM)EichDee Wrote:
(02-26-2010, 12:37 PM)Barloke Wrote: [...]That and the pandora box mission where all those angels came out to kick everyones ass made me thing that it would have been cool if they made some construct that reflected some heavenly, Nirvanna type theme...something like the place of origen for Seraph. [...]

I always thought those were the Agents in the very first Matrix, the one conceived by the Architect to be the perfect world. And that Seraph was one of them, before he lost (traded?) his wings for secure passage to the next versions with the Merovingian. Maybe I heard wrong?

You guys are an incredible pool of great ideas, by the way! Really fun to read =)

I think they are agents of the first Matrix, and yes Seraph was one of them. In Revolutions he is called "Wingless".
02-27-2010, 02:11 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-27-2010, 02:12 AM by Barloke.)
RE: Possible Story Ideas
Thats news to me! I never knew they were origional agents of the first Matrix but it just backs up what you said about the religious undertones. I guess the Architect was more accurate than believed before when he said that the first Matrix was perfect. It probably really was a "heavenly" version of the Matrix. You know it gets me thinking, if the first Matrix was perfect and if Smith was right it ended in disaster because it gave the blue pills a "too good to be true" vibe I wonder if the concept of religion and heaven carried over to the next versions of the Matrix. For example if you were a blue pill in the third version of the Matrix would your idea of heaven as taught to you would just be from what the Machines constructed in the first Matrix? Is it possible that Exiles, including The Merovingian (who I wouldn't be surprised was cast as Satan in the first Matrix or at least started down that path) spread these rumors in each version of the Matrix?. We have proof that exiles aren't blind to the religious aspects of human nature, even Sister Margaret in Mara must be using it for her own purposes as well (unless she really believes in a "God").

No it wouldn't surprise me at all if the concept of Heaven was just that, a concept engineered by the Machines and a failed one at that but even a failed version of the Matrix would still have some purpose.
[Image: Barloke3copy.jpg]
02-27-2010, 02:29 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
The Merovingian was actually the OS of The First Matrix. After the failure of that Matrix, he went into exiled into the Second Matrix, which I guess you could call the Hell Matrix. However that failed for the same reason the first one did. Finally The Oracle stumbled upon the solution that all bluepills must be given a choice to either accept the Matrix, or reject it. Since then, there has been the Matrix that was based somewhere in the late 20th century early 21st century.
02-27-2010, 02:41 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
(02-27-2010, 02:29 AM)Metalogic Wrote: Since then, there has been the Matrix that was based somewhere in the late 20th century early 21st century.

In MxO theory, The Matrix universe is set only in 1999. They way they put it (If i remember correctly) is that the year they remember to be 1999 is re-coded in the blue pill's brain to 1998 and the previous 1998 to 1997 and so on and so fourth. That way it is always 1999, just before the invention of "AI".
[Image: fs.png]
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