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Possible Story Ideas
02-25-2010, 06:18 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
(02-25-2010, 04:54 AM)Noxton Wrote: Well, since Veil snipped Shimada from existence, she could maybe do the same to Cryptos and try to make it look like an EPN job.

It's simple and base, but sometimes that's the easiest way to handle things.

Alternatively, his mind could destabilize from having been tampered with so much, and he could Morpheus his way to his own death by acting out extremely aggressively until he's on everyone's radar.

I like the first idea, but not the second one. I don't like the second one because it's just out of character for Cryptos, even after his overwritten has been exposed.
02-25-2010, 06:47 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-25-2010, 06:47 AM by cloudwolf.)
RE: Possible Story Ideas
Spose having him die in some way would bring some sort of equality back to the sub-orgs with a single leader each and all.

Still, I've always been a strong supporter for, if the story requires it, the sub-orgs to come to natural ends anyway. That was the problem Rare had after the Cyph's reached their intended end, he tried to keep them around too long, hence why their direction got so muddled in the first place.
02-25-2010, 07:23 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
(02-25-2010, 06:47 AM)cloudwolf Wrote: Spose having him die in some way would bring some sort of equality back to the sub-orgs with a single leader each and all.

Still, I've always been a strong supporter for, if the story requires it, the sub-orgs to come to natural ends anyway. That was the problem Rare had after the Cyph's reached their intended end, he tried to keep them around too long, hence why their direction got so muddled in the first place.

I think the splinter orgs should be kept, both EPN and Cyph, we just need to forget keeping things balanced. I think that stifiled Rare's writing style, everything had to be kept balanced so that everything is fair.

I think making the Cyph more radical in their actions will open up new possibilities for the org. It's basically Cypherites unleashed. Big Grin
02-25-2010, 08:21 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
He was the one who killed off Shimada, I'd call that fairly unbalancing in regards to the sub-orgs.
02-25-2010, 08:47 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
(02-25-2010, 08:21 AM)cloudwolf Wrote: He was the one who killed off Shimada, I'd call that fairly unbalancing in regards to the sub-orgs.

True, but you know what I'm talking about.
02-25-2010, 10:12 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-25-2010, 10:28 AM by Neoteny.)
RE: Possible Story Ideas
Finally found the notes I'd written on the direction I thought the story should've gone in following shut down. I have it written as a semi-in character/mission/event thing I guess (don't know why I did that) but here's the skinny:

Starts when Wright is killed.
Mauser appears, enraged, and confronts Zion about killing her.
Mauser reveals that he brought Lock to Wright's facility for treatment, then they left him there, destroyed most of what was around, and left in a small hovercraft and put out a weak signal to Zion.
Mauser acted as her operator and pilot while she experimented on herself, and used a simulacrum to explore and delete Wright's files.
Wright, using scans from Halborn and Carlyne was researching their abilities and eventually made herself into an Oligarch, but found it trapped her in the Matrix and destroyed as much of her research as she could so that no one else would find it and make her mistake.
Mauser reveals that Wright was attempting to help Zion beat the Machines in the war, and is enraged that they killed her. He claims that he is going to further her research and make a decision as to what he wants to do, but claims no affiliation to any party and halts communication. He'd be seen every once in a while, though.
He eventually decides to bury Danielle near the old Mainframe in Old Zion, where EPN is holed up.

The whole Trinity thing is a distraction made by Helian/Tesarova to keep everyone away from the real BIP, which is revealed to be Sati.
The Morpheus simulacrum approaches Sati and has her use her power to insert him into a pod body and become real. He explores the Real to make his own decisions about the world.
Helian and Tesarova steal Sati and use her to inhabit pod bodies following this.
One of them retains her on a floppy.
There is a hovercraft battle to recover her (decides who gets control of Sati and the BIP)

The wreckage of the Nabonidus is found.
The real Morpheus is found to have been in a construct all along (as a message to Merovingian players suggested was what the Assassin's bullets did), without any way out. With help from Zion and EPN, he is freed and restored to health over time.
Morpheus decides to go his own way and founds his own group of Morphites. Zion and EPN mostly consolidate, though some side with Morpheus, changing/expanding the suborg as people will it to be (i.e. if players wanted EPN to remain separate enough, there'd be 3, otherwise, they'd come together and there would be 2 - Zion/EPN and Morphite)
Morpheus reveals his plot to recover Neo. The Machines reveal that they feared him doing so was an attempt to disseminate and distribute the code of the one, which would give an invaluable advantage to Zion in the war.
Morpheus states that this is a continued goal, one which his group will strive to achieve.
He also starts looking into Sarah Edmontons.

Veil has enough of Cryptos's Machine-loving and slits his throat in the night. She threatens to kill any of her crew who disobey her or disagree with her action, and ends up killing a few more before winding up with a nasty scar and a room full of people who won't cross her.
Cypherites are split between Cryptos loyalists and Veil loyalists, both of whom are bitter rivals now.
A new character rises up as leader of the Cryptos loyalists. They do things a bit less violently, but with more dedication to protecting bluepills than to killing redpills.

The Merovingian uses what information he has from the Oligarchs he has been in contact with to start research on override routines, intending to make himself into an Oligarch.
Cryptos's research is abruptly ended when he dies, though the codes, still somewhat flawed, have already gone out.
Zion starts studying the unibody ship design and attempts to make contact with Halborn and Carlyne to further their research.
The Machines continue to target and attack Zion and EPN in the Real.
Morphites begin using code bombs and further research the power supply of the Machines.

I might've had some other stuff, but it's not in my notes and I probably forgot it.

[EDIT] Outcomes for the Sati battle:
Zion/EPN wins They use her to develop Oligarch abilities and raise her to be a new Oracle.
Morphites win: They use her to extract secrets of the Matrix's design and obtain Neo's location through her use. They then return her to Seraph and have her be raised as a new Oracle.
Machinists win: They have her design new encryption on the Matrix which prevents Oligarchs from jacking in, or, at the very least, from having any override codes when jacked in. They then raise her on their own to be a new Oracle, installing what programming they deem "necessary."
Cypherites (Veil-Aligned) win: They keep her on a floppy on the winning Cypherite ship, with acknowledgement given that this is the case. Further hovercraft battles may happen with an attempt to free her, however, the operative of that ship is in control of what happens to her. If they break the disk she's gone. They can also return her to the Matrix if they want to. Otherwise, if they are downed in a hovercraft battle, the winning side takes the disk.
Cypherites (Cryptos-Aligned) win: Sati is used to perfect anti-overrides 100% and is given back to Seraph to become a new Oracle.
Merovingian wins: The Merovingian uses Sati to perfect his oligarch routines and overrides, and becomes a program Oligarch, eventually using her to send more of his programs into the Real (but not himself). Persephone leads this group of Real-based programs, and possibly steals Sati to keep this going, creating a splinter group. Persephone then raises Sati as her successor and gives her a raising similar to one which would bring to be an Oracle.

[Image: IsIt.png]
02-25-2010, 10:24 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-25-2010, 10:24 AM by cloudwolf.)
RE: Possible Story Ideas
Interesting read. Don't agree with some of it, "The whole Trinity thing is a distraction" ¬_¬ and Morpheus being physically sustained despite years inside a construct but I understand how a lot of players gelt about these things, having valid concerns on over stepping the original ip and all.

Fairly sure Danielle Wright was confirmed as having stolen Carlyne's ship and technology forcefully by Helian and Tesarova. But that's only a minor point to pick up on. Interesting way of side stepping her fairly out there Gender Bender storyline though.

Just had some interesting thoughts on how to handle the Veil/Cryptos thing while in the shower (that sounds wrong), will have to run them by Valaro at some point to avoid spoilerz.
02-25-2010, 10:35 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
(02-25-2010, 10:24 AM)cloudwolf Wrote: Interesting read. Don't agree with some of it, "The whole Trinity thing is a distraction" ¬_¬ and Morpheus being physically sustained despite years inside a construct but I understand how a lot of players gelt about these things, having valid concerns on over stepping the original ip and all.

Fairly sure Danielle Wright was confirmed as having stolen Carlyne's ship and technology forcefully by Helian and Tesarova. But that's only a minor point to pick up on. Interesting way of side stepping her fairly out there Gender Bender storyline though.

Just had some interesting thoughts on how to handle the Veil/Cryptos thing while in the shower (that sounds wrong), will have to run them by Valaro at some point to avoid spoilerz.

I honestly think that having Trinity be alive as a magic program invalidates too much of Revelations.

I'm partially torn with Morpheus being sustained, but my thought on that would be that due to RSI deterioration from code bombs he anticipated being stuck in the Matrix at some point and attached himself to a food supply. Either that, or a machine or the General at some point stopped by and hooked him up to a food supply. The Machines would do it to keep Zion distracted with the unconfirmed death of their finest captain and so that they would not blame his death on the Machines and start some sort of war (during the truce time). The General would be doing it just to meddle about, or on the Merovingian's mysterious orders.

On the whole it's not completely necessary, but it's interesting.

The Carlyne's ship thing can be explained by a quick strike using her advanced technology, then invading his ship. I think that might've been in my other notes that I lost.
[Image: IsIt.png]
02-25-2010, 11:24 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
I agree with Cloudwolf, Morpheus being in the system trapped this long while his real body is being cared for is a little hard to accept. I mean I really couldn't see the General or even the Mechs for that matter deeming Morpheus that critical to their plans to keep him alive. Actualy if anything I think they would consider it more to their advantage to have him remain dead.

If i may i would like to offer a counter idea ( I still like the idea that Morpheus isn't really dead btw). Would it be far fetched if he made a deal with the Merv to fake his death possibly?

Ok and lets say if that idea is far fetched lol, we could also offer a scenario where somehow Morpheus survived getting shot like a billion times by the Assassin. We would have a Morpheus that's wounded, bleeding, probably not in the best of moods at the moment but makes it to a hardline, jacks out and decides to lay low while he recovers. I mean if he got shot so many times i could see the long absence away from the Matrix.
[Image: Barloke3copy.jpg]
02-25-2010, 11:29 AM,
RE: Possible Story Ideas
(02-25-2010, 11:24 AM)Barloke Wrote: I agree with Cloudwolf, Morpheus being in the system trapped this long while his real body is being cared for is a little hard to accept. I mean I really couldn't see the General or even the Mechs for that matter deeming Morpheus that critical to their plans to keep him alive. Actualy if anything I think they would consider it more to their advantage to have him remain dead.

If i may i would like to offer a counter idea ( I still like the idea that Morpheus isn't really dead btw). Would it be far fetched if he made a deal with the Merv to fake his death possibly?

Ok and lets say if that idea is far fetched lol, we could also offer a scenario where somehow Morpheus survived getting shot like a billion times by the Assassin. We would have a Morpheus that's wounded, bleeding, probably not in the best of moods at the moment but makes it to a hardline, jacks out and decides to lay low while he recovers. I mean if he got shot so many times i could see the long absence away from the Matrix.

Would it really be that much more far fetched than Morpheus being hurt to the point where Zion would have to put him on life support? Machines doing his breathing, heart-pumping, feeding tubes, etc etc. I dunno.

As for your other idea, I always kind of thought that Morpheus, reaching for straws, could totally be capable of making a deal with the Merovingian.

Perhaps Morpheus didn't settle up on his part of the bargain, and the Merv imprisoned him in some such way, be it in the real, or something else kind of crazy.
[Image: citylineidea.png]

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