You are viewing 2 posts for 2014

Development Changes

Here are some small news about the Development Status.
I am currently working again on some base engines things.

As we plan to support the current Client and the pre-CR2 client in the Code, we need to change some things in the code.
So a namespace will manage this currently.

Why this ? 
Well some things changes in this client Versions.
First the RPC Map doesnt match at all - but we can figure out how the right RPC Map is (this is partically done).

At next the Attribute List for the Object View Protocol "could" not match at the important objects.

For example the Attribute List for the "PlayerCharacter" dont have the Attribute "AFK" in the old Client. So just removing this and keep the same order was enough and Player is spawning properly.

However there are other things that changed a lot. For example staticObject World Ids for Doors for example sometimes doesnt match too.
Well this will be a hard part to "parse" as we currently dont know how to extract the PKB Files without an lta (old clients doesnt have the lta files just the normal rez files).

Our current plan is to develop on current client and then port the changes to the other client :)

We are still here

If someone asking whats going on - we are still alive and didnt forget about MxO.

Here are some news around the MxO Scene

MxOEmu goes Unreal Engine

If you followed the activity of mxoemu you should recognized that rajko set up a poll with the question "should MxO be remade in Unreal Engine 4 ?" .

Community voted for yes . As Rajko has exported every assets (as he told), he shouldnt have a problem to import them to Unreal.

We're looking forward whats going on there

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