Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

Full Version: Bit of info that I thought people might like to know.
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Ok, I was doing some research to find out who owns the official copyright to MxO. SOE is not the ones you should be looking out for. Monolith technically still owns it and Station.com literally says so. Monolith is owned by WB, so ultimately, WB is/are the ones who you should be watching for...

Amazing how looking for the release date for DCUO turned up that...
Thanks. Nobody here had any idea. You are doing a tremendous job.
No way!
Steady guys!
[Image: StarTrekSpockFascinating1.jpg]
........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=O!*mind blown*
Well, I'll be damned.

Morpheus, Neo, scrap this project. No need anymore!
(03-01-2010, 12:13 PM)Noxton Wrote: [ -> ]Well, I'll be damned.

Morpheus, Neo, scrap this project. No need anymore!

oh yeah, no need to turn ironic mode on super.

to OP, indeed, even was posted on another threads. Maybe you should read all the forum parts about legality of things.
My sarcasm sense is tingling...
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