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Full Version: Bit of info that I thought people might like to know.
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Quite sarcastic I believe.

While many of us already knew that bit of information it is nice to see that you are trying to gather information to help people out Big Grin
Like I said on the other forum, and I quote:
(03-01-2010, 12:59 PM)Superman111994 Wrote: [ -> ]I was seriously just saying it because I seriously didn't know if anybody actually knew... people keep saying "SOE this, and SOE that."
Well that's weird...why would you post the same topic on two different forums? That's like double the sarcasm!
Because he was trying to be helpful, don't bash him down for that.
Who said i was bashing him for that? It just struck me a little strange because he got a negative response from the other forum that he would do it here as well. And yes I do realize the guy was just trying to be helpful which is why i didn't get on his case (and what he posted wasn't a hanging offense in the grand scheme of things). So Super..it's cool man, yeah we all pretty much knew who owned the rights to what and the only reason you hear alot of "SOE this and that" is because they were the ones that pulled the plug.

Twaggy I doubt anyone who posted in response had any real malice towards the guy. it's more like when your friends rag on you for whatever. Guys do that, he'll get his turn and I think he knows it because he wasn't pissed or anything. Smile
Man, you guys really need to lighten up.

Ragging on him would have been saying, "Hey, Superman, why don't you waste our time in a better way," or something like that. Ragging on him would have been addressing him directly in a negative manner.

Hell, even saying, "hey use the search function" would have been ragging.

You're all so sensitive and jumpy as if anything could be an attack.

Seriously, have a pint, kick your feet up, and relax for a bit. Don't be so reactionary. It's all good.
Absolutely, I serious doubt anyone here had a problem with Super or his post (btw when I said "ragging" on your friends I meant like "joking" on your friends). That's all it looked like to me and i think we all have been where Super was, it's all good except when it happens to me, then i will have to destroy you all... lol
(03-02-2010, 12:53 AM)Barloke Wrote: [ -> ]it's all good except when it happens to me, then i will have to destroy you all... lol

I understand saying "yeah, we know" but doing the durrrrr thing is a no no in my books. I used to do it to people and now I'm older (maybe not so wiser) I see I was a twat lol (not that Im calling you guys that). It's just I noticed sup's here has had a few negative comments toward him in both forums on a couple of threads (not that he ain't pulled a few punches himself). Don't worry I ain't going all hippy tree hugging on you or anything, I'm just kinda bored of the bitchyness MxO has always had within the community (unless thy bitchy to moi lol).

Anyway, aslong as it's just witty banter and no toes are stomped on. I will say no more.
The way I feel about this is that I paid 50 bucks for the game when it first came out and I feel that WB can't attack people that paid for their software . so like if windows XP was discontinued tomorrow and windows 7 was the only OS in town... I would have no right to use windows XP anymore? silly comparison but whatever.
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