Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

Full Version: Bit of info that I thought people might like to know.
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(03-03-2010, 07:48 AM)mixer242 Wrote: [ -> ]The way I feel about this is that I paid 50 bucks for the game when it first came out and I feel that WB can't attack people that paid for their software . so like if windows XP was discontinued tomorrow and windows 7 was the only OS in town... I would have no right to use windows XP anymore? silly comparison but whatever.

Unfortunately, what you feel and what WB would sue for are not the same thing.

You paid for their software, true, however I'm sure somewhere in their terms of service it states that you're not to connect the game you bought to any server that wasn't sanctioned by them. Maybe if I ever have any free time, I'll look it up and see.
(03-01-2010, 11:43 PM)Noxton Wrote: [ -> ]Man, you guys really need to lighten up.

Ragging on him would have been saying, "Hey, Superman, why don't you waste our time in a better way," or something like that. Ragging on him would have been addressing him directly in a negative manner.

Hell, even saying, "hey use the search function" would have been ragging.

You're all so sensitive and jumpy as if anything could be an attack.

Seriously, have a pint, kick your feet up, and relax for a bit. Don't be so reactionary. It's all good.

I approve.
Unfortunately, what you feel and what WB would sue for are not the same thing.

You paid for their software, true, however I'm sure somewhere in their terms of service it states that you're not to connect the game you bought to any server that wasn't sanctioned by them. Maybe if I ever have any free time, I'll look it up and see.- Noxton.

Doesn't most if not all software companies have that sort of term of service where it's like your really renting to use the game even though you bought the box?

I'm pretty sure though Warner Brothers had something similar set up which is probably why SOE had its hands tied in some cases with game content. I'm not sure but i think there was also a problem SOE had when using the main characters like Morpheus or The Oracle for example.I also remember there was a problem when writing fan fiction in the SOE boards if we even used those characters because of copywrite.

At any rate i think the reason most companies have those terms of service is just to cover their ass legally, I believe it also prevents other would be programmers from creating a game that would be similar to theirs. "Oh look , its Teh UNO!!!!"
(03-03-2010, 01:02 PM)Barloke Wrote: [ -> ]At any rate i think the reason most companies have those terms of service is just to cover their ass legally, I believe it also prevents other would be programmers from creating a game that would be similar to theirs. "Oh look , its Teh UNO!!!!"

This made me lol a bunch.

"¡Soy el Uno!"
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