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I haz an idea!!!
01-29-2010, 03:31 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-29-2010, 03:31 AM by Twaggy.)
RE: I haz an idea!!!
As it is said above, 733 members joined the forum I could bet 40% could be somehow convinced to pay, the other 60% will just disappear like they did with the original.

Oh and where has Dr Smith gone????? come back here so I can slap thee too
[Image: fs.png]
Need a program? a Film? A Series? PM me and I will try and get it ya
01-29-2010, 03:34 AM,
RE: I haz an idea!!!
(01-29-2010, 03:09 AM)Vesuveus Wrote: It'd be nice to trick SOE into giving up all the code to shorten our wait for a full working MxO, but not worth the risk. That's like going back to the pods to be freed.

I think its more like asking an agent nicely to be freed.
You: Um, Mr. Agent sir, I'd like to be free please.
Agent: No
You: Oh, Come on, man! there's like a majillion people here, surely you can just let me out.
Agent: No
You: Dude, I promise not to fight you guys, or even jack back into the matrix, I just want to eat slop in the real.
Agent: How do you know about the Matrix?
You: Um...Uh..
Agent: You must be dealt with before you contaminate others with your knowledge.
You: Wait I-


Stupid analogies, always showing me the flaws in my own logic.
01-29-2010, 04:34 AM, (This post was last modified: 01-29-2010, 05:00 AM by Morpheus.)
RE: I haz an idea!!!
Quote:I'm getting the vibe that he's going to rat us out to SOE/WBIE.

I smell something fishy too.
[Image: c0ldwhitelite2.jpg]
01-29-2010, 04:38 AM,
RE: I haz an idea!!!
and they will do what, exactly ?
01-29-2010, 04:42 AM,
RE: I haz an idea!!!
(01-29-2010, 04:38 AM)rajkosto Wrote: and they will do what, exactly ?

cease and desist letter, lawsuits, etc. Basically try to shut us down.
01-29-2010, 05:12 AM,
RE: I haz an idea!!!
i got a better idea.
why find a weird bussiness model when you can pay me directly? go ahead!.

Maybe this was a chance when the emu wasnt born or we could not enter megacity yet.

I will explain you the failing of your theory:

a) SoE has no rights anymore (apart from the data on their servers like forums) and just WBIE would be need to be asked. Personally i think that someone talked to them in the first version of the forum and WB didnt answered (c'mon they have more franchises!). Either way, talking to em may put us of the way or just be ignored. Accept seems to be not an option.

b) WB nor SOE would give you the code for the game if you dont pay a lot of greenies $$. They wont give you because you can get it and have all the ways to change into whatever you want and release Forum Online if you want. That's not cool as they couldnt say anything, you just copied code... how to show? huh huh? They would want the greenies just in case you do something not expected.

c) More than a half of the forum members wont pay .. ever. You can constantly see people saying "i didnt know about the game till yesterday" or "is this gonna be free"? That's for a reason... leechness.

d) You should offer to the staff members a good sum as salary to work, noting that % of our "sales" would be for SOE or WB... seeing that they either dont know or dont care about the game. SOE fucked it up.. should they leech our cash? meh.

People would need to do donations or so later if we mount a server (umm far in the future) or someone has to provide one for free with enough capacity, but of course costing for example 200$ (and that's a lot more than i think) between 200 active donators would be 1$ at month. Less than a newspaper.

Thing is gonna be lotta money (buy game rights, NOT matrix rights) or lotta time (redo what is needed to redo).

Either way soon is not the word.
01-29-2010, 07:01 AM,
RE: I haz an idea!!!
(01-29-2010, 05:12 AM)Morpheus Wrote: d) You should offer to the staff members a good sum as salary to work, noting that % of our "sales" would be for SOE or WB... seeing that they either dont know or dont care about the game. SOE fucked it up.. should they leech our cash? meh.

Just curious, How much would you consider "good"?

And the reason that (in this case now) WBIE will leach our money is so that we don't have to give them massive amounts of money up front.
01-29-2010, 07:14 AM,
RE: I haz an idea!!!
as i know that you like numbers:

Taking 4 weeks per month (should be closer to 4.3)
Taking 35 hours a week
Taking 7.25$ / hour (based on Fair Labor Standards Act minimum salary)

That makes 4 * 35 * 7.25 = 1015 $ each month.

On the other hand, i would have to present results, and also have time deadlines which we have not at the moment.

And for sure, some weeks i was more than 35 hours with this xD.

Good enough?
01-29-2010, 07:26 AM,
RE: I haz an idea!!!
I don't think it would happen even if the money was put up front only because of the vibe I got from how everything went down. In my head, it seems that WB does not want this game to continue. Plain and simple, they don't want it to continue, exist, or be operational.

If this is the case, then no matter what you throw at them, they won't budge. SOE has nothing to do with this anymore, it's all on WB.
01-29-2010, 07:38 AM,
RE: I haz an idea!!!
(01-29-2010, 07:14 AM)Morpheus Wrote: as i know that you like numbers:

Taking 4 weeks per month (should be closer to 4.3)
Taking 35 hours a week
Taking 7.25$ / hour (based on Fair Labor Standards Act minimum salary)

That makes 4 * 35 * 7.25 = 1015 $ each month.

On the other hand, i would have to present results, and also have time deadlines which we have not at the moment.

And for sure, some weeks i was more than 35 hours with this xD.

Good enough?

Thats....that's fine. In my proposal I was assuming $30,000 annual per employee (obviously of people would be willing to work for less we'd require less subscribers) but $30,000 a year boils down to...

$30,000 / 52(weeks) = roughly 577.
577/ 40(full time job) = 14.43/hr
when you account for rounding.

I could re-crunch the numbers at $10/hr, 40hrs/week and still leave $30,000 in standard operating costs and see what numbers I get, but with what you're willing to work with.....we'd barely need any subs (maybe 1000, tops).
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