Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

Full Version: MxO Meet and Greet - MISSION COMPLETED - May 7-8
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A few of us MxOers are gonna be meeting up in Maryland USA on May 7-8 .

Going up there from Florida for a family reuinion and I got ahold of some operatives in the General Area so we are going to meet up, get fkd up, swap some old stories and get some tattoos.

So far its .......

DisCh0rd <TheAuthority> CYPH - Syntax , Vector

eSKo <TheAuthority> CYPH - Syntax

Lydia <Vixens> Zion - Syntax

Neopill <Deathstalkers> EPN - Syntax , Recursion, <Morpheus' Legacy> Vector

Gonna have a blast , if anyone is in the area send me a pm for the details. No douchbags plz. lololololol

you can also email for faster response ------> m4triculated@aol.com
(04-26-2010, 03:00 AM)Neopill Wrote: [ -> ]No douchbags plz. lololololol

LoL, that's great.

I wish I could make this, but I won't be able to. Take lots of pics.
Well as i am from europe, i think no Smile
I'm a bit closer, but I'm on a college budget and don't have the resources for a trip such as that. Wish you all the best though.
I'm In The U.K, So Have Fun Smile
Czech Republic....Angry
I live in North Carolina, but I work 5.5 days out of the week, so I dunno if I could make it. Plus I'm having surgery on May the 10th, so I doubt I could make the trip annyways.
Hmm, I finish the college semester on the 6th so this might be a possibility. Anyone live there that I could crash with? Otherwise I could check out my aunt's place I guess :o
Dun dun dun.....
And we have arrived. Yay!

Will post pics soon.
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