Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

Full Version: MxO Meet and Greet - MISSION COMPLETED - May 7-8
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It would have been awesome to meet you all in DC but I just couldn't make it this time around all the way from Northern, V.TConfused

I look forward to the Pic's though of a good time you all had whoever was able to make it there. Cool
Hey all, the Meet And Greet was awesome. Neopill and Lydia are such great people!! eSk0 and I had an absolute blast hanging out and recalling all the great times we had in MxO!!! Memories were made that I won't soon forget, but just in case any of us have a lapse in memory we got matching tattoo's to mark the occasion forever. Neopill, Lydia, I'm truely glad you guys could make it up and we got the opportunity to finally meet and hang out. You guys are fucking amazing people and I can't wait to make the trip to kick it in your neighborhood in the future. Thanks again for everything, you guys kick ass!!
[Image: SG001.jpg]
[Image: SG011.jpg]
[Image: SG009.jpg]
Still on the road home, almost there though. Disch0rd and esK0 are great dudes, I wish we had planned it just a little bit better and not on such a tight timeframe so that we could have hung out more. But thats for next time! Thanks guys for having us up at your places and next time you guys and Nephillum and takuya gotta come chill in my district. lol

Will post all my pics when I get home tommorrow.
Well if y'all plan another get together, let me know! Hopefully I'll be able to make it. Smile
Alright, i'am definately considering us having a meet 'n' greet in london or something, cause i'am from the uk too.
Tatoos? You're crazy... Wink and I love crazy people! MxO forever... (sad that I'm sitting here in germany... Sad )
lol man I remember when I was up there, it was the pwn. NEph was there too. I was a Hispanic Terminator lol. SO LADIES HOW DO YOU LIKE MY HAIR. BWAHAHAHAH
(05-12-2010, 04:55 AM)Takuya Wrote: [ -> ]lol man I remember when I was up there, it was the pwn. NEph was there too. I was a Hispanic Terminator lol. SO LADIES HOW DO YOU LIKE MY HAIR. BWAHAHAHAH


He speaks truth.
Absolute. Truth.

Fucking Hail.

On another note. Yes, all stories of how badass we are, confirmed.
I would have loved to be there. Maybe my next time in Clearwater....regards, T
thanks for the picture, looks like you all had a great time. no pvp?
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