Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

Full Version: Would like to join team
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I have HTML, CSS, and XML skills.

Some experience with PHP, would like to assist with web development and moderation. I have a lot of skill with MySQL database moderation.

I'm very quick to pick up things, and have started learning a couple languages like C++ and Python. I also have a vast knowledge regarding hardware, software, operating systems (Windows, Linux [Debian]), and networking (Cisco)

I want to help bring MxO back.


the only thing we need php related is a page to create accounts...and i already kinda have it
but yeah we dont really have a main page set up, so if you want to work on that, feel free
On the topic of things working/ created. SWGemu Graphics were a little different from the actual game. Are graphics going to run ok on this or will there be no change. Plus do you need a forum moderator? I can maybe help with that? And i can help get the word out about the site to get interest flowing! Anything i can do to help please state!


Quote:SWGemu Graphics were a little different from the actual game.

What ?
That makes no sense, unless you mean that the graphics in the Pre-CU client were different than the Post-CU one...which makes sense, it IS OLDER...but thats a client thing, not anything swgemu did.
Hey you. Stop hijacking my thread. :/

I can do the main page. Do you have any way I can contact you?

I have MSN, Aim, GMail, Xfire, Yahoo, and Facebook.

Send me a PM with your contact details.
If you need moderator support, I would be honored to assist! I have background and experience with authority and leadership. Oh, Renegade, I don't want to rain on your parade, but instead, I would like to join your parade; maybe as an extra float somewhere? Big Grin
(08-03-2009, 06:42 PM)Master Chief Wrote: [ -> ]If you need moderator support, I would be honored to assist! I have background and experience with authority, power/control, and leadership. Oh, Renegade, I don't want to rain on your parade, but instead, I would like to join your parade; maybe as an extra float somewhere? Big Grin

Power and Control, 2 things a moderate shouldn't say...
Oops, sorry about that. I have corrected myself. I seem to have gotten a tad overambitious.
I'm too lazy to be a moderator.

That being said. I just learned C and C++.

int main(void)
string answer;
cout << "But it's really only basic functions in stdio.h. \n"
<< "Nothing really useful.\n\n"
<< "Prompt: Do you agree? Yes/No:\n"
<< endl;
case Yes:
cout << "That's very kind of you, but really, I know nothing.\n"
<< endl;
case No:
cout << "Told you, I was right, I know nothing.\n";
<< endl;
cout << "You're a fucking idiot, can't even answer a basic prompt right.\n"
<< endl;
return 0;

EDIT: (PS, if you find the flaw in logic in the script, you get a cookie. It's obvious.)
In addition, I'm learning the (gasp) Windows Socket API.

Kill me.


why are you using scanf if you are already using cout ?
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