Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

Full Version: it's legal ?
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the matrix online EMU it's legal ?
because if i dl the programe may be , i will have a probleme
excuse me
but i am french and new in the forum

thank you

matrix online in all the world !!!!!
because i want make screenshorts and make vidéo . answer at me please if play at matrix online emu is not illegal for me ... i will go see the mega city !!!!!!!!!!!!!!and if this matrix online is illegal i prefer not enter in the matrice .
my real question is if i play at the emu i can have problemes with justice .
thank you for answer
i want really really enter in the mega city
Here, I did the research for you.







I do, however, understand if there's a language barrier, so in that case... To put it simply, yes, it's legal, though it's a grey area.

Also, this emulator (Hardline Dreams) is not yet at a point where you can log in. Well, no, I mean, the developers can do that, but they haven't made an official release as of yet. Correct me if I'm wrong, Morph and Neo, but I believe they're waiting to release something functional with as little bugs as possible.
thank you but if i dl the matrix online emu and enter in the matrix just for see the city
i will have got problems ?
Thanks for all
and "vive " matrix online !!!
with is web http://mxoemu.info/forum/thread-278.html
thank you !!
you for example you can enter in the mega city but it' s possible that you are a probleme with justice for this ???
Answer please
You won't get arrested for downloading and running any emulator, no.
thank so i go to dl the matrixe thanks for all
i have confidence in you for the justice thank you
but is strange that matrix online are free for enter in the city
my name in game will be moonwalker

good bye
If the people making the emu charged you to enter, then there would be legal problems. Smile
i have just a question yet

if i never hasn't play at this game is important ?
i dl the document on top but i haven't any
document of the real game matrix online

the dl is very long
for dl the doc : 8 hour
there is an other solution more fast
answer of the last post of you :

ok so I haven' t any problemes ???

thanks for all infos , man
HI !!!
It's important if i am in france ???
(08-24-2010, 12:00 AM)MR smooth criminal Wrote: [ -> ]HI !!!
It's important if i am in france ???

If Im understanding the question....

this is a stand alone emulator,it doesnt care where in the world you are.
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