Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

Full Version: Python discovery API
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methods of Discovery object
"Discovery Engine rules API"

"outputDebugString" 'Send debug message out to the debug environment'

"consolePrint" 'Send debug message out to the game console'

"serverPrint" 'Send debug message out to the server console'

"errorPrint" 'Send message to the logs via Minor Error.'

"clientConsolePrint" 'Send debug message out to the client console'

"sendMissionResult" "Send mission result to mission object"

"getGameObjectType" 'Get the type id for the game object string'

"getAllObjects" 'Get a dictionary mapping all object names to IDs'

"getTypeInfo" "Get type info for a game object ID"

"clientSystemMessage" 'Send a dungeon master message to the client.'

"clientMissionUpdate" "Send a mission update to the client."

"addHardline" "Send OS an add hardline message."

"playEffect" "Send IO to player to create an effect."

"addAccessNode" "Send OS to record access node."

"abilityMessageToAll" 'Sent by ability to all objects in area (currently just caster and target)'

"abilityMessageToCaster" "Sent by ability to caster only"

"abilityMessageToTarget" "Sent by ability to target only"

"abilityIDToGameObjectID" 'Convert from Ability ID to GameObject ID (as it appears in GODes.)'

"getGameObjectPropValue" 'Get the property (alias) value on an object type'

"getGameObjectName" 'Gets the objects name as it appears in godes (i.e gameobject database).

"getGaussianRandom" 'Returns a random number given avg/std that follows gaussian distribution.'

"getGaussianRandomClamped" 'Returns a random number given avg/std that follows gaussian distribution clamped to min/max.'

"getInstDataFromStability" 'Returns the instData for an item of the given stability'

"getInstDataFromPurity" 'Returns the instData for an item of the given purity'

"getInstDataFromLevel" 'Returns the instData for an ability code of the given level'

"sendModalMessage" 'Send IO to player to display modal message'