Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

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Theres nothing to download yet. Lurk moar.

Or, you know, don't lurk and add to discussion... whichever floats your boat =P
uhh .. ok
There is no client that we officially support Mouse.

However we are working on a client at the moment from scratch. We have decided to start over: Ie Auth Server/Margin and World. Neo has re-cracked Auth server, and Is working on the Margin Server. Morpheus re-cracked the World server and is again working on restoring content to the Client. We will release something as soon as we can, so fear not. (I work on the site/ forums not Client side)

Hope this helps

THANK YOU, Valaro you helped alot
How is working with Python different from the other project?
The other project is C++ based.
It's like writing the same book in two languages. Maybe someone who is versed in programming can explain with greater detail but the end result should be identical specially for the expected server population ...

My .02 cents:

Having two projects running at the same time to reach the same goal must create some sort of competitive atmosphere but at the same time it is detrimental to the common good as resources are split unnecessarily.

I'm not pointing fingers at any ONE team, just both.
(03-11-2010, 02:54 AM)Rxu Wrote: [ -> ]It's like writing the same book in two languages. Maybe someone who is versed in programming can explain with greater detail but the end result should be identical specially for the expected server population ...

My .02 cents:

Having two projects running at the same time to reach the same goal must create some sort of competitive atmosphere but at the same time it is detrimental to the common good as resources are split unnecessarily.

I'm not pointing fingers at any ONE team, just both.

And how do you think things would play out if these two teams once again worked together "for the greater good", but couldn't get along.

Only in fairy tales do people get along and live happily ever after (and usually, not even then).

I think splitting the teams was wise and realistic as opposed to bright eyed (you can read that as blind if you wish) optimism which usually spells doom.
(03-11-2010, 02:54 AM)Rxu Wrote: [ -> ]It's like writing the same book in two languages. Maybe someone who is versed in programming can explain with greater detail but the end result should be identical specially for the expected server population ...
Just to answer you (and the above post), prototyping of the server is done in python, but i'm on the tail of the project, porting it to c++, so wont be much different (in your view) from "the other" project.

I think that is a faster way for you to get all working asap (no troubles releasing/installing the server) and for us will be easier, as we can test faster in python prototype, then pass to C++. Harder and maybe useles for "the other"? maybe, but we thought it that way, and i guess that it should go well. Atm i'm doing my best with world, currently in c++ from scratch. Not so good as reality at first, but hey, i'm upgrading my kung fu. Sucess so far.

Also, thanks to Valaro help, i was able to test a portable server for databases, so you wont even need to install and setup the database and all that. Pretty much unrar the servers (DB & mxo server) and play the game. Worked flawlessly Tongue. That's an improvement on the "Idiots guide", with less steps needed Wink.

And to the split losing common good as resources... i guess that it's not the same from my point of view xD, we got our own food storage Tongue. And not competing, as we are not enterprises (i would choose to be Burger King!). we take the time we need, no more, no less. Dont care so much about what project is the first of the class. In the end, what matters is to be able to play.
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