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Full Version: hack the ground smash?
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lol i are newb...
what does hack the ground smash mean? i googled it and i still have no clue xD
(01-23-2010, 03:47 AM)Oats Wrote: [ -> ]lol i are newb...
what does hack the ground smash mean? i googled it and i still have no clue xD

It was a move that was taken out of beta. It can be seen here about 44 seconds in.


It's also used to get into Morpheus' secret hideout.
oh ok, thanks Big Grin
Ok, ground smash looks awesome.
indeed,it looks so cool...i wonder how many other abilities where removed.
I think Hack the Ground Smash is a pretty cool guy. eh finds Morphose's hideout and doesn't afraid of anything.
(01-29-2010, 03:36 PM)Brooklyn Wrote: [ -> ]indeed,it looks so cool...i wonder how many other abilities where removed.

Well Mutlifight for one. I never even got to use it Sad
can someone tell me if it was cool/good/useful? Or show me some footage of it?
I always wondered what it was like to have that ability. (I got so pissed when I loaded that ability and couldn't figure out how to make it work.)


It was in CR1.0
It sucked, basically, whoever got attacked by more than 1 person in interlock got gang raped
they took 1 turn, then each of his attackers took 1 turn
Whoever gets attacked by multiple people at once automatically loses
I have another question then, did all participants need it? or just the rape-ee? You know if YOU have multifight, 80,000 ppl can just ass rape the crap out of you. or did everyone need it to rape you? was there a maximum amount of people allowed?

I know this is alot of questions and I'm sorry if I'm bugging you, it just seemed like such a necessary skill that needed some tweeking
(how are two melee players supposed to fights a boss without it?, what does the tank do if the mage gets interlocked? you know those kind of things.) <-those aren't questions for you, just thoughts as to why someone would take it out in the first place.


you needed the ability to get into a fight while someone else was already in the fight
if you were the first to initiate fight, you dont need it
if you were the rape victim, you dont need it

they removed the ability to multi interlock, and given MA users the ability to use their moves outside of interlock, in the gun slot
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