Hardline Dreams - A Python Matrix Online Server Project

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I believe they had "some" ability to manipulate the database, otherwise how could you explain CR2? or the massive nerfing SOE poured into once valuable dungeon drops.
item stats weren't stored in the db; they were in gameobjects.pkb and the server process had a copy as well. the database would just say 'player has x item'; the packmaps would define what that meant.

but yeah, they could edit the db, as was seen with XP and info and CQ near the end. I think it was more just a) laziness or b) they didn't know how to deal with complications, like making the new server have 9 characters per, or determining how to crush 9 characters into 3, how to migrate all the chat names to new ones that had valid soechat addresses, blah etc.
i'm with bay in the affirmations.

probably a mix of 1(bigger %) and 2 (soe connection must suck).
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