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(01-05-2010, 09:13 AM)Neo VII Wrote: [ -> ]
(01-05-2010, 09:02 AM)Valaro Wrote: [ -> ]chefmaster, that was a little rude man. The words have Patience comes to mind but im not sure thats possible here.

As much as I would love to see all doors be opneable, its about the same for i want all abilities working right now. We know its not gonna happen for a long while. So chill out and wait!

On the other hand one reason doors dont work is because morrpheus isnt sure of ALL door coordinates. and the coordinates of those doors opening. This process will be long but it might be a good idea to catalouge the doors. Any volunteers?

I will.

Shit, that's a task! I can jump in and help with that, I suppose. I would need to know what format Morpheus would need. Would you need to know which way each door faces (rotation coordinate). Cuz I don't know how to tell that coordinate. Would North, South, East, West be helpful?

NeoVI, I don't know how to teleport to Int or Downtown, so if you want to split up WV and Richland maybe we can work out a system. Also, I recently re-formatted my hard drive and am waiting for the Scatman release to get back into the Matrix.
let me know what is needed also and I could help.
Maybe we should say which area you are going to do so we do not do the same areas.
So we have 5 main areas, Westview, Richland, Downtown, and Intern, plus Data Mine. also there are the other small constructs.
Other special areas I can think of are the white halls and Org areas (which I believe are mission locked or rep locked)
All doors would mean doors inside, those door on rooftops and basement doors.
What about elevator doors?
This can contribute. See attached file.

EDIT: Added another file with doorway coordinates.

Note, these pertain to white hallway doorways which are probably further down the development line that the 4 main district doorways. It's just good to have them archived for our access.
I attached my commando network map. Wish I completed all the coords for it.
was there a Override hideout in International too?
so what cords are you using? Off the map or off Teleport?
I ask because the map cords can be off some on the Y.

Should it be the middle of the door or the outside/inside?
*1) I agree. Let's not overlap which area's we do.

2) Also, what information do you want Valaro/Morpheus? Do you want X.Y.Z. map coordinates? Or do you want SQL Hex code when mapping a door? Or do you want both? Or do you want neither and something that's over my head and unknown to me?

3) Next, what would you suggest is the best way to gather, said information. I was going to walk up to the door, and walk into it, while watching the map and/or SQL to verify the location is correct or static or however you prefer to define it.

4) I'm not going to start until I find out which data is needed to map coordinates of doors, so Vesuveus...MajTom, I plan to start from the bottom far right of Westview, which is Eshean, because I hate the Eshean projects, with the hopes that this is the last time I'll ever have to go to them. I suggest Ves. and/or Maj., start in the Top-Left Uriah (which will be quick because it's mostly just the Warehouses) and the other, if said "other"existed, start in the far Top-East of Tabor park, OR... or, the far Top-West of Bathory Row in the Westview.

5) Lastly, I'm going to attempt to map all doors in each building. Elevators, rear-doors, side doors, known floors that would normally be accessible, (that I know about, I mean I've been to lot's of side-rooms/and floors to buildings but maybe I missed one, but probably not), and *roof access doors* (my personal fav.). Thank god for teleportMe.exe. Other wise this task would be half-assed/impossible.

I won't begin until I hear back from Valaro or Morpheus on which way they want the data recorded.

Screenshots might be easiest for us but leave the legwork for Morpheus and Neo.

Also, does the Atlas work in game? That might show all the buildings in a given district so we can screenshot and check them off as we go.
agreed I was going to start in Uriah at the club
(01-05-2010, 03:39 PM)MajTom Wrote: [ -> ]agreed I was going to start in Uriah at the club

Right, so Vesuveus, Upper-East Tabor or Upper West Westview? Up to you. Just make sure you two don't overlap if you both choose to map Upper-Richland. Divide down the center and communicate about it.

I'll get, ATLEAST the bottom six areas/ neighborhoods of Richland.

(01-05-2010, 03:38 PM)Vesuveus Wrote: [ -> ]/brainstorm

Screenshots might be easiest for us but leave the legwork for Morpheus and Neo.

Also, does the Atlas work in game? That might show all the buildings in a given district so we can screenshot and check them off as we go.

Yea, atlas works.

I'm not sure about the screen shot thing. If we need to take screen shot of every-door then cool. I was just going to put all door coord./sql hex in .txt/.doc file or whatever so, Val/Morph, just let us know.

Also, I noticed you can exceed normal boundaries, which I noticed after teleporting outside the district on accident, so make sure you don't map anything that wasn't in game when we played. (Unless you want to make secret spot to go to that no-one else knows about except you and
Morph...heh, jk)

Again, not going to begin mapping until I know which/what type of data is needed.
(01-05-2010, 03:57 PM)Neo VII Wrote: [ -> ]I was just going to put all door coord./sql hex in .txt/.doc file or whatever so, Val/Morph, just let us know.

You entering manually or logging somehow? Or will Morpheus' feedback determine your recording method?

I was just thinking about entering manually. Listing all coordinates by categories like elevator, outside to inside doors, hallway to room doors, and by district.
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