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The Pogues - A Pair of Brown Eyes
Nurse With Wound - Two Mock Projections
Brent Spiner - Zing, Went The String of My Heart

Very good tune, Ol' Yellow Eyes indeed. Wink
Lady Gaga - Starstruck
(02-16-2010, 06:17 AM)Bayamos Wrote: [ -> ]Lady Gaga - Starstruck

get out... *points at door*


I listen to too many things, instead... just look at my last.fm profile (I scrobble alot) Twaggsta. :p

These guys are from Australia. Kinda reminds me of David Bowie. Really weird look they're going for and odd gestures but the music is pretty brilliant so they can pull it off. Check it out.

Empire of the Sun-We are the People

Empire of the Sun-Standing on the Shore
two thumbs up
Pearl Jam - Alive

What the fuck forums lol
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